Tuesday, August 21, 2012

One thing x 2: Don’t wait for the green light to form your life in Christ

In Matthew Kelly’s Rediscovering Catholicism he recommends focusing on “One thing” that you take away from the  Homily at  Sunday Mass for the week and writing it in your Mass journal.    This weeks’ homily continuing in John’s bread of life discourse, Chapter 6, both Fr. Vince and Fr. Anto gave us some good food for life!   Since served two Masses I received a double dose of “one thing”.  

Fr. Anto focused on getting more Life in your life and it’s the presence of God in the Eucharist that we can receive weekly and even daily.  The red candle burning outside the chapel is the sign of the living presence of Christ in the tabernacle.  Instead of searching for life in other places; the bar, parties, movies, come to receive Christ in the Eucharist and he will fill your life with Life. 

Fr. Vince offered to image of forming your life in Christ becoming one in Him through the image of two pieces of clay. When we receive Christ in the Eucharist, we can become one with him.    By following the way Christ calls us to live, following the law of Love of God and your neighbor, we can receive Him weekly and be formed in His image.  Forming ourselves in Christ will lead us to eternal life.

What was the “one thing” that you took away from the Homily this week?  Add a comment and share with others!

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