Monday, August 27, 2012

Feast of St. Monica - Persevering in prayer

Today is the feast of St. Monica. She prayed for conversion of her son, St. Augustine, to return to the faith and give up his immoral ways.   Her persevering prayers resulted in her seeing her son convert to the faith, as well as her husband and mother-in-law.  Her son, Augustine, become one of the great Doctors of the Church.  She did not live to see this during her life on earth, as Augustine converted shortly before her death.   Sometimes we don’t see immediately God’s answers to prayer.  The key thing is to trust in prayer and put faith in God. I heard a good story on Catholic radio on how to help your loved ones who may be away from the faith.  It is to take them with you to Mass with you.    This may seem extremely difficult given their estrangement from the faith, but if you bring them spiritually with you prayer it can help you and them both.  If you have family members who have left the faith Saint Monica is a powerful intercessor of prayer and a model for us to follow.

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