In reflecting on the Assumption of Mary and listening to
Father Anto’s and Fr. Vince’s homilies a common theme came out on why this Feast
celebrating Mary’s body and soul being assumed into heaven since the first
centuries of the Church. The theme that
became apparent was she listened to God’s will in her life and said yes. In doing so she was the perfect model of the
first disciple of Jesus. In following
the will of God perfectly in her life it’s fitting that she be assumed to be
with her Son both body and soul. She
has been referred to as the new Eve. Our
first human parents, Adam and Eve, suffered death due to them saying no, and
thus suffered death due to corruption of sin.
With Mary as the new Eve, she was conceived without life and lived a
sinless life, Thus when she fell asleep in this life, she was taken both body
and soul into heaven, because she was already perfected. May
we all look to Mary as a model for all of us to emulate and seek to listen to
God’s will and say yes to where God is calling us in our lives.
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