Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Catholic Radio - A great way to inform you faith & make rush hour more pleasant

Did you know that the Indianapolis area has a Catholic Radio station? Just tune into fm 89.1 (or if on the Northside of Indy 90.1)  Catholic Radio Indy has been around since 2004 and it is a great way to make the rush hour drive a bit more tolerable and also learn about your faith.  There’s some great programming during the drive times.   Check out www.catholicradioindy.org for more information and programming.   If the fm signal is not that good in your area there are alternative ways to listen.   If so you can tune into ETWN Radio on Sirius radio.  You won’t get the local programming, but will hear most of the same content.  You can also listen to the program by steaming from the website.  There is also a great app, iCatholicFM, that you can download for free and listen on your iPhone.  The station has daily Mass at 8 am and 12 noon, the prayers of the Rosary, and Divine Mercy Chaplet.  There are also some great shows for learning about the Catholic faith, including Sonrise Morning Show, Open Line, Catholic Answers, and the Doctor is in.   

One of my favorite shows is Catholic Answers.   It’s usually on between 6 pm to 8 pm.  It seems like I learn something new or interesting to enhance my faith every week.  A good example this week was a guest, Mary Healy, who is the author of the commentary on the Gospel of Mark in the series Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture.  She was answering listeners questions regarding the role of women in the New Testament and gave some interesting insight given the historical context of the time. She pointed out that treatment of women by Jesus was very respectful given the culture at the time. In listening I found out about the commentary series that not only provided Mary’s insights into the Biblical text, but also included the Church fathers interpretations.   It was a practical series of commentaries that wasn’t too technical, but also not too light.  The endorsements were very favorable for this series as an excellent resource for priests and deacons in helping to develop homilies as well as for the Catholic lay person who wants to understand scripture at a deeper level.  I also found a good blog associated with the site, Speaking of Scripture, that gave weekly insight into the Sunday Scripture readings.  A double dose of help for a new deacon!  Pretty good time spent for the 20 minute drive home.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sowing seeds into the lives of others for Vhrist through this outlet. God sees your faithfulness and is pleased. It is so important that we as Christians stay engaged in dialogue and share personal testimonies and what God has done and is doing through his people. I hope this comment encourages you to continue your effort in sharing the faith and exploring various topics of interest and importance. Bless you.


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