Thursday, November 29, 2012

Is your end coming? Rely on our Lord to carry you through.

“Blessed are those who have been called to the wedding feast of the Lamb” (Rev 19-9a).  This is the end of the first reading from today’s Mass.   The first reading and the Gospel both have very ominous tones with the coming of the end of the world.   The Gospel is a prelude to the readings this Sunday.   But both readings also point to what is coming, the Lord in Glory.  The Gospel finishes with “stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand.” (Luke 20:28).  Both of these should give us encouragement in knowing our Lord will come again.  As Christians we look to the end times with hope as if we are living our lives as Christ taught us we will be welcomed into his kingdom.   Christ will come in glory to judge the living and dead with mercy, and if we are following him with the best of our abilities we will look forward to this time with joy.   But the world of today tends to focus on the negative which causes anxiety and loss of hope.   Many of us will or are experiencing our own end of the world, though loss of loved ones or a job, failing a class at school, or a failing a marriage.   This can be very discouraging and cause anxiety, but if we keep out focus on Jesus and know of his coming glory and that we are called to the wedding feast it will carry us through.  When you are feeling like it's the end of your world pray to Jesus for help in guiding how you can better follow him to come into his glory. Seek out other believers to help sustain you in this trail and they will help you along. This will give you hope and encouragement.  May God bless you! 

1 comment:

  1. Ron,
    A great message. Loss is never easy to deal with. But having hope in the God that holds us in the palm of His hand makes all the difference.


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