Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Too busy to read the Catechism? Maybe not!

In this year a faith we are being called to better understand what our Catholic Faith is all about.   The Catechism ofthe Catholic Church is a resource that Blessed Pope John Paul II commissioned to be written and was released on the 30th Anniversary of Vatican II, in 1992.   It's a very comprehensive resource that details all of the beliefs of the Catholic faith.  It can be a bit daunting to read, as it is a very long book, 904 pages in all!   That's humongous!  How in the world can someone get through reading the Catechism? 

That sounds like quite a bit to bite off at one time.  Well, you have probably heard the one about how to do go about eating an elephant?  One bite at a time.   There is a resource to help you through the Catechism over the next year by taking small bites of reading daily through an email you can sign up for on the Archdiocese of Indianapolis web site.  Just go to the web site and look for “To busy to read the Catechism?” or click this link to sign up through flocknote: Read the Catechism in a Year.   You have a whole year to do it.  Go for it! You’ll be glad you did.

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