Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Are you willing to pay the price?

The readings for this week are from the 29th Sundayin ordinary time, Cycle B.  Father Vince asked us whether we were willing to pay the price for certain items we all have to buy now & then and whether it was worth it.  A gallon of gas at $3.49, is lower than it has been, but still too much.   Robitussin cough medicine at $7.39 maybe worth it if you have a nagging cough.  The disciples James and John asked Jesus to grant them a special place in his kingdom.  They did not know what they were asking.   Jesus asked them if they were willing to pay the price, to be baptized as he was or to drink the cup he would drink.   They said they were ready to do this as they thought of Jesus as a triumphant king in this world, but Jesus turned everything upside down.  He told them to be greatest they must serve or be a slave to all and even give their life.   Not what they were expecting.  Were they willing to pay the price?  Are you willing to pay the price and follow Jesus, by serving others?  To be greatest in Jesus kingdom you must be willing to serve others.  This homily made me think about doing the best I could to have a servant heart as I go through my week interacting with family, co-workers, & friends.  This may be a high price to pay as my ego calls me to want to be served, but I am willing to do this to grow in following the path to greatness as taught by Jesus, being a humble servant.

Speaking of ego, Fr. Anto spoke about ego and detachment from self.  This attitude of self-detachment and worrying about taking care of myself will help me to be a servant to others as well.   

Go and Announce the Gospel of the Lord!

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