Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Be Joyful to “catch” others for Christ

       The Gospel for the 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time is the original fish story.  Jesus tells Simon, who has been fishing all night and has not caught a thing, to throw out his net.  Simon is obedient to Jesus’ request and catches so many fish his nets are about to break and fills his boat as well as his companions' boat to the point of almost sinking.  That’s a lot of fish or at least a great story to get our attention (as most fish stories are!)   Simon, James, and John are so amazed they leave everything to follow Jesus to become “fishers of men”. 

       Since we all heard a fish story Father Vince asked everyone what they needed to catch fish.  The answers were: line, hooks, bait, fishing license, boat, lake, patience, net, water, and even a cooler to name a few.  Father shared this was one of his favorite pastimes, but he liked to refer to it as “catching” rather than fishing.   He plans on being productive and bringing home a catch.

       How can we become fishers of men and “catch” others for Christ?  By being filled with joy for our faith and sharing it with others.  When we are filled with joy, people will be drawn to us, and will be attracted to a Christian way of life, because they will want some of that joy as well. 

       Why are we joyful?  Because of our faith, the love of Christ for what he gave us, and the hope it gives us.  This got me thinking about last weeks reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, and Faith, Hope, and Love.   First of all we are joyful for our faith in Christ.   In order to share the joy we need to know and understand out faith so we can explain it to others. This Lent we can focus on the Holy Father's call to us to better know our faith during this Year of Faith.   Reading the books handed out at Christmas, "Rediscovering Catholicism" and the "Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic", can be a great way to deepen our Faith over Lent.  Follow this up by attending the Matthew Kelly Passion and Purpose event on April 13 (see link on top right hand of my page to register). By knowing our faith it gives us hope in world that is very challenging, because we have hope for eternal life with our Savior in the next.  This can help us get through some of the very difficult times we will experience in this life and give us hope in the things to come. This can really help those affected by trials and tragedy in this life by sharing our hope in Christ when others are despairing.  Finally we are joyful at the great love Christ shows us by his sacrifice for us.  In turn we are to share Christ’s love by showing love for our neighbor in our actions and in our sharing of the Good News. 

      May you be successful in catching others for Christ!  Have good Lent and may God bless you. 

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