Thursday, September 13, 2012

Faithful Citizenship videos and other resources to inform and take action

If you would like to view some youth oriented videos for Faithful Citizenship click on the title listed below.  These are great videos for parents and grandparents to watch with their children and grandchildren:

Once you have viewed these videos you can test out your knowledge of what you have learned:

Now that you’ve learned about Faithful Citizenship, and tested your knowledge it’s time to live out your faith and get involved.   You can let your elected leaders know what your opinion is on certain issues by contacting them.  The more people who contact them about a particular issue, the more likely is that elected official is to vote in favor of the issue.  In an election year you can also find out what a candidates position is on a particular issue.    How do you find the information on who are your elected representatives?  How do you find out the candidates who are running for office in the area? Go to the ICC (Indiana Catholic Conference) Legislative Action Center.  On this page you can input your zip code and it will show you who your elected government representatives are at the state and federal levels.  You can also find out who is running for office during an election year by clicking on the Election Guide.  This gives links to the elected officials website and you may be able to find out where they stand on an issue.  If they don’t have position statements you can contact them to find out what their position is on an issue.

The ICC, the public policy voice of the Catholic Church in Indiana, consists of a Board of Directors, professional staff, Diocesan Coordinators, and active Catholics like you. The Board includes all the active Bishops of Indiana and one layperson from each of the five Indiana dioceses. 

ICC provides a readily accessible source to which public inquiry can be made about the position of the Church on matters affecting the common good.
Further it provides communication and understanding among Catholics throughout the state regarding the mission and role of the Church in the public order, the political and democratic processes, and the issues and developments in public policy. It is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in Indiana regarding state and national matters. 

If you want to stay informed on issues that our coming up for vote sign up for the Indiana Catholic Action Network.  This is an email newsletter that will keep you informed on issues that are important to Catholics. If there are particular issues that are of importance to contact your representatives you will receive Action Alerts.  This site provides a list of issues.  By clicking on the link to the particular issue you will find a summary of the issue and also a prewritten message that can be sent to your elected official directly from this web site.  You can edit the message to add your own words as well.  This resource makes it extremely easy to contact your representatives.

Finally don’t forget to pray about issues and the candidate to vote for.  Asking for God’s guidance in your actions is essential in being a Faithful Citizen.   If you need some ideas on how to pray please check out Praying Like a Faithful Citizen. 

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