Homily from 4th Sunday: Fr. Alberto, Food for the Poor: It’s not my turn to eat today – If today you hear his voice, harden not your heart?

Fr. Alberto from Food for the Poor came in this weekend to
share the story about the people that Food for the Poor ministers to in order
to help ease poverty in third world countries in the Caribbean and
Central/South America. He started out
with “If today you hear his voice, harden not your heart”. He reminded us that prayer is a two way
street, not just asking Jesus to help. So
in the midst of one of the greatest way to prayer, attending Mass, he called us
to listen. One of stories that really
caught my attention about the child who came for food in the village but it was
not his turn to eat. Wow, how sad. He also told us another story beginning with
the saying: “give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and
he will eat for a lifetime”. He went on to tell us about how Food for the
Poor bought a fishing boat to provide food and employment to men in village in
Jamaica and how profits from the venture went back to support efforts to help
other. Fr. Alberto closed with Matthew
25: 27-40: When did I see you me hungry and you gave me food, thirsty and you
gave me drink, stranger and you welcomed me, naked and your clothed me, ill and
your cared for me, in prison and your visited me? And the king will say to them
in reply: Whenever you did so for the least of my brothers you did so for me. Please join with Food for the Poor Helping
in their efforts to help Jesus who we see in the face of the Poor, by returning
the intention card or signing up online to support Food for the Poor. God bless.
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