Good morning! Today we celebrate the Epiphany when
the Magi came to find a newborn king.
We’ve also just started a new calendar year, which is a time that many
of us are making resolutions to improve ourselves. I hope that the Magi’s quest will help inspire your
resolutions for the New Year.

“I see him, but not
now, I behold him, but not nigh; a star shall come forth out of Jacob, and a
scepter shall rise out of Israel.” (Num 24-17)
The magi may have been seeking a savior for their situation,
and this prophecy led them to Israel.
The Romans had appointed Herod as
king of Israel, who was not of Jewish lineage. This was probably through his political connections
and his desire for power. The fact that he was not Jewish may have made him a
bit paranoid. He was such ruthless ruler that even took the life of two of his
own sons to defend his power. When Herod hears the magi are searching for a
newborn king he’s troubled as it’s a threat to his wealth and power. In learning that Bethlehem is the place
where the newborn king is to be born he secretly asks the magi to go there and
report back so he can pay homage. We
know this is a lie, as Herod plans to eliminate the newborn king. He acts with fear, disrespect, and greed
to protect his own interests.
The magi were searching for the
newborn king and followed the star far from their homeland. We are told the magi
were overjoyed at seeing this star, a reaction quite opposite to Herod. The magi’s
encounter with the child Jesus brought about a profound reaction from them. They had an epiphany.
The word Epiphany actually means ‘a
personal encounter with God’. To know and encounter Jesus is to know God personally. So what did the magi do? They prostrated in homage and
opened up their treasures offering their best gifts of gold, frankincense, and
myrrh. This response showed reverence and honor for a divine king. After their personal encounter the magi
didn’t go back to Herod as God warned them in a dream to “depart for their
country by another way”. When we personally
encounter Jesus like the magi and fully understand who he is, he will lead us
in the right directions, which will bring us joy.
In today’s world there are still “Herods”
at work trying to eliminate Jesus out of fear that He will take away their
power. Nativity scenes have been banished from public places. The words Merry Christmas have
been discouraged and replaced with Happy Holidays. In some places, Jesus name is being removed from Christmas
Fortunately we have the Church that
makes the personal encounter with Christ possible. We celebrate Advent and Christmas every year so we can
experience Him coming in the world as a baby like each of us. We are also blessed to have the personal encounter with Jesus
in the sacraments. He feeds us
with his body and blood, anoints us with oil to spiritually strengthen us in illnesses,
and gives us peace when we hear Him forgive our sins through His priests.
I had a unique experience while
visiting another church over Christmas that brought this all together. This church had a large nativity scene
in the sanctuary. As I went up to
receive communion the minister held up the cup and directly behind it the baby
Jesus was in the manger with arms wide open. It reminded me of a few of the many gifts that Jesus gave
us: the gifts of himself in Church and Sacrament.
So as you choose your New Year
resolutions consider making it a priority to seek a personal encounter with newborn
king as the wise magi did. They
had a profound personal experience that brought such joy and gratitude that they
offered homage and gave their best gifts to him. God in return showed led them in the right direction steering
clear of the dangers of Herod. By being in relationship with Jesus daily we can
have the same joy, gratitude, and right direction in our lives.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI had this
to say in his first encyclical, God is Love:
“Being a Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a
lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new
horizon and a decisive direction”.
In making your resolutions a few suggestions to consider are:
1) To schedule time to be with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration.
2) Commit to reading one of the books handed out by
the parish this or past Christmas.
3) Spending time with Jesus daily by reading or
listening to the upcoming Sunday or daily Mass readings.
4) Commit to frequent encounters with Christ in the
sacraments and to learning what Church really teaches about them.
5) Sharing the talent that you consider the
greatest gift God has given you to help others encounter Christ. It may be as simple as talking about
your faith with co-workers or helping in an outreach ministry through the
I hope that you and your families have a blessed New Year as
you personally encounter Christ each day experiencing joy & gratitude just like
the magi.
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