Need help with a child who is rejecting the faith?
If you have a child who is rejecting the faith it can cause some real tensions in a family. This usually happens in the teen age years and young adult. I just read a good blog article that will help, “I Don’t Believe in God Anymore” – When Your Kids Reject the Faith". One great idea from this article is maintaining the relationship with your child one on one by spending some time with them doing something they like to do. Show interest and let them show you how to do something new. Another thing I would recommend is to pray. Let me say it again, pray, pray, pray. Don't forget about the grace of God and the ability for him to change hearts. Also ask others to pray as well, especially the Communion of Saints. One saint I would specifically recommend is St. Monica. She was the mother of Saint Augustine who is a Doctor of the Church. St. Augustine was a wayward youth and young adult and follower of heretical teachings in his early years. St. Monica prayed for years and lived to see her sons conversion. Summer is a good time to do something fun with your child and build the relationship to get over the barriers to the faith issue. Be a kids again: Go to an amusement park, take them fishing, play a game of paintball with them, learn how to Minecraft (or whatever video game they like). Spending time with your child can be a prayer. Offer the time up to God as your prayer. You'll be glad you did.
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