Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Do you want to go Fishing?

Do you want to go fishing?  That was Father Vince’s opening question for this weekends’ homily. In the Gospel of John for the third week of Easter we hear about a resurrection story that sounds very familiar to a fishing story at the beginning of the Gospel of Luke.  Father Vince pointed out similarities and differences in the stories. 

                              Picture by Peter Paul Rubens from the National Gallery
-       Both of the stories had the disciples fishing at night and catching nothing.  The dark of night represented the sinful nature of man without God. 
-       When Jesus appears at dawn in both stories the disciples catch a lot of fish.  The light of dawn represents the good of God.
-       In the first story Jesus tells the disciples to put out into deep water, but in the second Jesus gives them specific direction to cast over the right side.  The disciples had clear direction in John’s story, with right representing the power of God.
-       In the first story from look the nets were tearing.   In the second story the nets did not tear.  This represented the maturity of faith of the disciples and the unbreakable bond of the Church.
-       The second story there were more specifics about the fish.  There were large fish that totaled 153.  This was representing all nations known at the time.  This was symbolic of the apostles going out to all the earth “catching” people of all nations for Christ.

At the great catch of fish the disciples recognized it was the Lord.  This was the third time he had appeared after his resurrection.  Jesus shared bread and fish with them, which was another sharing of Eucharistic.

Jesus showed the disciples who he was sending out to catch men & women though out the world that with him they could do amazing things.  We can too if we share Jesus with others.   Are you ready to go fishing with Jesus for a great catch? Share these amazing stories of Jesus from the Gospel and also how he has changed your life bringing joy, love, &hope through your faith in our Risen Lord! May God bless you.

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