Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Spirit at work in our parish and at the Wedding at Cana

On the third Sunday of Ordinary time the Gospel was about Jesus' first miracle in his public ministry of changing the water to wine.  Fr. Anto preached at the Mass I attended and preached on St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians & tied it to the Gospel.  St. Paul wrote about the Holy Spirit and how it is manifested in each of us with unique gifts.  Father Anto spoke about a visit with some new parish members who cited the Spirit at work in our parish and a reason of why they wanted to join. They were home bound now, and lived outside of parish boundaries, but had a chance to visit and felt the spirit working.    Our parish has grown tremendously over the past few years and I think we can overlook the Spirit’s role in our vibrant parish.   Father Anto made the point in the Gospel that the spirit at the wedding was getting low and Jesus mother noticed.   Jesus changing the water to wine was an uplifting of the spirit of all those at the wedding, and is a reminder of how the Holy Spirit can uplift us and work to do the will of God.   As we go on during the cold and dark months of winter may we call on the Holy Spirit to lift us up & bring the good news of Jesus to others.  May God bless you.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Ron for your service to the Lord and your sharing of your time and talents.


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