Have any of you ever been on a treasure hunt? I have been in my younger days. In my
early teens my friends and I were would spend hours searching for the treasure of the times in the mid 1970’s: rare beer cans. We would find these old beer cans and set up displays to show off to our friends. Would you believe there were even traveling shows you could to exhibit your collection and trade to enhance your collection. We used to spend hours searching along roadsides and forests in parks or golf courses to find these treasures. I’ll never forget the thrill of finding the most treasured prize of my collection, an Ortel’s 92 cone top beer can. This was the most prized possession, and I would never trade it because it was so important at the time.
In today’s Gospel Jesus parables relating the kingdom of heaven tp someone who finds treasure and gives up everything they have in joy of finding it. What was of such value that they would give up everything for it? The reading from the Book of King’s about Solomon can shed some light. Solomon was very young when he had inherited the Kingdom of Israel from his Father King. He most likely had everything a person could want at the time. In a dream God comes to him offering to grant him something. He could have asked for riches, fame, or power, but in his humility, Solomon asked for an understanding heart to decide right from wrong to govern his people. God was pleased with Solomon and granted him this request.
If we were given the same opportunity what would we ask for? God gives us the freedom to choose the treasure that we desire. We are all given a unique purpose by God on our life’s journey. When we discover this purpose of who God it will bring us true joy. Sometimes we may get distracted with other things that may give us happiness, that may fade away, and we will yearn for something else. We will experience high points and low points throughout our lives, and it may seem like we are on the wrong path. When this happens we need to keep St. Paul wisdom in mind: “We know all things work out for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”
What is that purpose that God has called us? To be Holy! Each one of us is called to be Holy in our state in life. Holiness leads us to have faith that Jesus Christ that saved us through His sacrifice which promises us to be glorified with him in eternal life. This is the treasure buried in the field and the pearl sought out that brings great joy and everything is given up in finding those treasures.
We can gain the Kingdom of Heaven by seeking an understanding heart from God to discern what he call us for. Each of us has a unique calling. Most of us to be married and raise of family, but some may be called to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, or as a single person with special talents to share with other. When we discover this purpose and have faith in Jesus it will bring us try joy.
God comes to us like he did with Solomon. He seeks us out so we can ask for Him for something. But this can only happen if we take time to rest with God in prayer. If we are constantly seeking the treasure of riches, entertainment, or pleasure with no time for God we may experience happiness, but not true joy.
By spending time in God’s word and in worship it will help foster the environment for us to enter more richly into prayer with God. In doing so it will help us rest in prayer with God so we too can receive a wise and understanding heart like Solomon and become who God has called us to be.
I spent a lot of time and effort spent on my beer can collection, but as the years went on it just wasn’t that important. I didn’t pay much attention to the collection and found out when I left for college my parents had thrown them out. Kind of like the angels who threw out the fish at the end of the age in the Gospel. I pray for all of us that we will seek to spend time with God in prayer so we can receive this wisdom to discern what brings us true joy, a life of holiness with faith in Jesus with the promise of eternal life.