Sunday, December 15, 2019

3rd Sunday of Advent: The Kingdom is coming, just watch for the signs!

Today is Gaudete Sunday, the third Sunday of Advent. Gaudete means joy in Latin.  We have been preparing for the coming of the Lord our first few weeks in Advent.  During the first week of Jesus called us to stay awake, preparing for the His coming at the end times.  Last week John the Baptist called his followers to prepare through repentance of their sins.  John the Baptist returns today, but there is a major turn of events. He is now in prison and is in need of hope to endure the trial of being in captivity. The first reading we hear from Isaiah is a key that gave him some hope, and us as well.
         The reading from Isaiah provided hope to the Jewish exiles who had been captivity for many generations. It’s a prophecy of God coming to rescue them. Some vivid images are used to describe a turn of events for those in exile. The desert would bloom with abundant flowers rejoicing with joyful song. It would be turned into lush, rich forest full of life like the northern part of the country. He also tells of the restoration of physical ailments.  The feeble and weak would be made strong, the blind would see, the deaf would hear, and the lame leap like a stag.  This healings and blooming in the desert represented God actions in returning them to their homeland where they would sing in everlasting joy. Isaiah’s prophecy let them know that God was faithful to his people.
John now being in prison was in need for some hope.  He heard of Jesus ‘works and sent his disciples to find out if he was the Messiah asking, “Are you the one to come?” Jesus didn’t answer directly, but instead quotes Isaiah to John’s disciples:  the blind see, the lame walk, and the deaf hear. This was a sign to John that the works of Jesus were prophesized by Isaiah.  This provided John some joy that Jesus could be the long awaited Messiah and would provide hope to endure his captivity. Jesus also spoke of the most important point of his own mission as Messiah: The poor would have the good news proclaimed to them!  This good news was that He would bring salvation to many through the forgiveness of sins. This may not have been the type of Messiah that John and his disciples were expecting. Many thoughts that the Messiah would be a mighty ruler who would overcome the Roman occupiers. This would have only been a short term earthly victory.   Jesus’ victory was an eternal one: overcoming death and bringing about eternal life. John wouldn’t live to see Jesus fulfill this role on earth, but he did accomplish the task God gave him of preparing the way of the Messiah. Jesus told the crowds John was someone very special, much more than a prophet and that none born of women were greater than he. But he had something much more important to tell them: that the least in the kingdom of heaven would be greater than John! This good news for the crowds it possible for them to enter the kingdom of heaven. They just had to come to believe that he was the Messiah and follow the beatitude of Jesus, ”And blessed is the one who takes no offense at me”. This was hard for many at that time, and still hard for people today.
Through our faith in Lord we have hope of being greater than John the Baptist by being least in the kingdom of Heaven.  Jesus make this possible for us through the Church and the Sacraments. Through baptism we become children of God and members of his Church.  We’re provided gracethrough the Eucharist and Confirmation to be Christian disciples in bringing about the kingdom of heaven.  This is something that we can rejoice in!
But before we rejoice, we need to ask: Where do we see the kingdom of heaven?  In this world it seems like we are still in captivity and in exile from the heavenly kingdom of our Lord.   Just turn on the TV or computer for the recent news and it certainly doesn’t sound like the kingdom of heaven is here. We can get discouraged if we don’t have patience to endure as we wait for the coming of the Lord. But if we make our hearts firm and patiently keep the faith in our Lord, we can bring about the kingdom of heaven as disciples of Christ.   We just need to look for the signs of the kingdom of heaven among us.  
Where can we see these signs?  Have the blind regained their sight?  For the single mom who faced the darkness of being alone in an unexpected pregnancy, but now sees the light of hope with help from Gabriel project, I think they have.  Have the dead been raised?  For the people whose faith was brought back to life by attending Welcome retreat, I think they have. Has the good news been proclaimed to the poor?  For the thousands of people served at our food pantry and thanksgiving distribution who now can pay for their housing with going hungry, I think it has. Were there lepers who were cleansed?  For the hundreds of persecuted families throughout the world welcomed by Catholic Charities to resettle in Indianapolis, I think they were. Were there deaf able to hear?   For the hundreds of men and woman imprisoned in Johnson County jail who hear the Word of God and receive the Eucharist weekly, I think they have. 
The kingdom of heaven is made present by the loving action of the Christian community who have faith in Jesus and hope in his coming again in Glory. We can bring the kingdom of heaven in our everyday lives in doing simple things ourselves:   Sharing a kind word with someone at work or school who is difficult to get along with,  visiting a neighbor or relative who can’t get out, or just being patient when driving with those around us who aren’t so patient. 
So, let us be joyful as we anticipate the coming of our Lord, waiting patiently for the birth of a humble little baby like each of us at Christmas.   Let us also rejoice in our hearts as we receive the Eucharist and patiently wait for Jesus‘ coming in Glory to fully usher in the kingdom of heaven.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Be a fool to see Jesus and wise in the eyes of God - Homily 31st Sunday cycle C

Today we have the story of a short man, Zacchaeus, who went to great lengths to see Jesus.   Being a bit height challenged myself, I kind of like Zacchaeus.  Sometimes when obstacles get in the way of seeing we need to make an extra effort to be able to see clearly.    Zacchaeus made that effort and some in the crowd thought he was foolish.  Can you imagine a grown man climbing a tree? What a sight that must have been! Zacchaeus’ tree climbing may have seemed foolish to the crowd caught up in the ways of world, but very wise in the eyes of God.
Zacchaeus was not someone the Jews held in esteem.     He was a Jew who worked for the Romans collecting tolls on goods from people traveling to and from Jericho.   As a chief tax collector Zacchaeus had agents working for him, which made him wealthy without having to do much of the work.  The agents would collect an extra cut above the Roman tax so they could pay themselves and Zacchaeus.  If you were considered wealthy with many resources, people thought that you were guilty of  taking away from those who were in need. Being a chief tax collector and wealthy, Zacchaeus was considered a sinner.  
Zacchaeus was somehow compelled to see Jesus when he came to Jericho.  We’re told he ran to see Jesus and climbed a sycamore tree to be able to see him.  This sounds
like he did this with a sense of urgency.  He could now clearly see Jesus. Jesus saw him as well and picked him out of the entire crowd with some greater plan.   Jesus insisted on coming to stay at his house that very day.   Zacchaeus quickly climbs down and welcomes Jesus with joy!  The crowd wasn’t happy about this and complained, “He has gone to stay at the house of a sinner”. They may have expected Jesus to perform some miraculous cure of the lame, sick, possessed, or raising of the dead, but not for Jesus to come stay with a sinner!    But that’s exactly what Jesus intended to do.
Zacchaeus took the initiative by climbing over his obstacles to see Jesus.  He really wanted to see him, but Jesus wanted something even more for Zacchaeus: he wanted to save him.   Zacchaeus joyfully welcomes Jesus into his house and this encounter profoundly changes him, committing half his possessions to the poor and to restoring four times more to anyone he’s extorted. Jewish law only required restoration of what was taken plus twenty percent. Zacchaeus had truly repented because he made the effort to see Jesus.   Our Lord returned the hospitality of Zacchaeus with something even greater, saying to him, “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was lost.”     Through this encounter Zacchaeus received the gift of everlasting joy of Jesus.
Can we sometimes be a little bit short sighted like Zacchaeus, not able to clearly see Jesus?  Are there obstacles that keep us from being able to see him?  Our culture drives us to focus all our time and effort to make more money, have more stuff, and to be constantly entertained.   This may bring short term pleasure but doesn’t lead us to everlasting joy and eternal life.   Are we willing to make the effort like Zacchaeus to seek out Jesus or do we just fit him in when there’s a crisis or it’s convenient?   
It’s especially joyful to see all of you here making the effort to see Jesus.   The Church provides us with many opportunities to see Jesus so he can save us.  We are blessed to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist every week and receive him with joy!  His grace strengthens us to overcome the many obstacles in our lives.   We also have the Sacraments of reconciliation and anointing of the sick that can help heal our souls to clearly see Jesus.   We can also see him daily in prayer and Scripture.   In many of the people we encounter daily we’re also able to see Jesus, if we are open to this possibility. We just need to plan the effort to seek him out. He’s always there for us, no matter what we’ve done, ready to seek and to save us.
This past Friday I was able to spend some time with the men and woman at communion services at Johnson County jail.    These people are struggling with all kinds of obstacles that keep them from seeing Jesus.   Many of them are challenged by addictions that may bring short term pleasure, but no lasting joy. I’m encouraged to see them come to the communion service, in the midst of their struggles.   They get a chance to be with Jesus, as they’re away from the distractions that keep them from him. I was especially touched this week by a young lady, who cried tears of joy as she received Jesus in the Eucharist.   After the service she took a Bible and prayer book, and she was very grateful.  I think her encounter with Jesus was a lot like Zacchaeus, knowing Jesus came for her to seek and save what was lost.  
So, what are the obstacles keeping us from seeing Jesus? Before it gets too busy with the Advent and Christmas season take some quiet time to pray for the grace to climb over these obstacles.  Be foolish in the eyes of the world by making the time and effort, to quickly climb up the tree like Zacchaeus did to see Jesus.  By doing so you’ll be wise in the eyes of God, seeking to be with the one who seeks to save us.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Persevere in praying - Homily, 29th Sunday Ordinary Time, Cycle C

A few weeks ago, we heard a parable about a dishonest steward.   Today in another parable Jesus tells us, “Pay attention to what the dishonest judge says.”  What’s all this focus on dishonesty? Jesus’ focus is not so much on dishonesty, but he uses the dishonest judge to make a point of the the widow’s persistence for justice. This is a model how we’re to persist in our prayer with God. 
The widow was really facing an uphill battle.   She lived in a culture that only recognized males having the rights to own property. Since she was petitioning the judge on her own, she didn’t have any sons.  This meant she wouldn’t be able inherit her husband’s
property. Without any family, she was in a dire situation.   There were no safety nets of support like we have today. In Jewish tradition, God favors the poor, especially widows.  But the judge would not have sympathy for her plight.  He didn’t fear God or respect his neighbor.  In her distress, the widow kept after him.  She had no means of support, so what did she have to lose by being persistent? She only had something to gain.  She was not only persistent, but a bit feisty as well.   The original Greek text of the scripture translated to “the woman would give him a black eye”. I would say that’s a bit feisty.  Eventually the dishonest judge was worn down by her persistence, and he renders a just decision.
So, what can we learn from the widow’s persistence?     The widow’s plight was hopeless, but she eventually received justice.   If a dishonest judge, who doesn’t fear God or respect any human being, delivers justice to the widow, wouldn’t it make sense that a loving God would be even more just to those who persevere in prayer? Jesus told his disciples this to reinforce the necessity to pray always and not to be discouraged.
When were faced with a trying situation such as a serious illness, death of a loved one, job loss, or a broken relationship it’s a time we should turn to God in prayer?    Asking others to pray for us as well is a good idea.  The more prayers the better! But when the situation doesn’t improve, it may seem that God is not answering our prayer.  We can get discouraged and give up.    That’s just what the devil wants us to do, to give up on God and break our relationship with him.   
We need to keep in mind that God is not a genie in a bottle.  We can’t make a wish, and POOF, everything is just the way we want it. That’s an image that portrayed in stories and movies. God does listen and answer our prayers.  
But the way he answers may not be exactly what we ask or in the timeframe we desire.    This can be very difficult. When this happens, we need to be honest and let God know your feelings and frustrations.  This may be all that we can pray to God, but at least we’ll still be in relationship with him.  
Maybe the perseverance in relationship with God is part of the way your prayer is being answered.  Sometimes blessings can come out of the trials in our lives.
A few weeks ago, we celebrate the Feast of St. Monica.  She prayed for the conversion of her son, St. Augustine, to become Christian for over 15 years.  St. Augustine did convert shortly before his mother’s death and became a great saint. This was a long time to wait to see the fruit of prayer. She is a great example of perseverance in prayer.  Ask for her help when you need to persist in prayer.
So how and when should we pray? We should prayer without ceasing! 
We need to build a relationship with God when times are good, as well as when they are troubling.   Praying daily is a good practice to get into.   Pick the time of the day and place that works best for you. 
How do we pray?  It doesn’t have to be formal. Think of it as having a conversation with God.  A good format for prayer can be something I heard while watching this week’s Opening the Word video on Formed for the Sunday readings.  The priest suggested using an acronym, MATA, (Say M A T A), to help guide us in prayer.   M is for mercy, asking God for forgiveness of our sins. A is asking God’s help for our needs.  T is for offering thanks to God for the blessings in our life.  Finally, A is for adoration.  This can be the hard but may be the most important.    It’s just being quiet and adoring the presence of God.  In our world it’sso hard to do with all the noise and distractions.   But if we can be quiet for just a few minutes we can able to listen to God in the silence of our hearts.   We also need to be open to the possibility that sometimes God speaks to us in the words and actions of others. Being quiet in prayerful adoration can help us to realize when this happens!
Sometimes we may not have the words to pray.  That when our formal prayers of the Our Father, Hail Mary, or Rosary, can be very fruitful when we’re struggling for words to pray.   There may be times that we feel like we can’t pray at all, but only sigh or moan.   When this is the case keep in mind the words of St. Paul to the Romans: The Spirit too helps us in our weakness, for we do not know how to pray as we ought; but the Spirit himself makes intercessions for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in speech.
We also persevere in prayer as a community at Mass.  The Mass is the powerful prayer of all.  In it we are following the M A T A format.  We ask for God’s mercy at the beginning of Mass.  We offer up prayers of petitions asking for God’s intercession. In thanksgiving we offer gifts of bread and wine for the Eucharist.     When we receive Jesus’ Body and Blood, we can adore his presence spiritually being with us and listen quietly after receiving him in prayer.   
So, as we continue throughout the week lets presevere in prayer like the widow.  Continue daily to pray in good times and bad so we grow in our relationship with the Lord.  Pray for our own needs and support others in prayer.  And when faced with difficult situations remember St. Paul’s advice to Timothy: be persistent whether it’s convenient or inconvenient. 

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Loving your neighbor - Homily 26th Sunday Ordinary Time, cycle C

In today’s Gospel we hear a vivid story about a rich man and Lazarus.  Jesus addresses this story to the Pharisees. He does this to challenge them.  The Pharisees were the leaders of the Jewish faith community, but they didn’t always live the faith.  They were more interested in the recognition of their position, wearing fine clothing, and being taken care of, than loving God and neighbor. Jesus’ story was to make them feel a bit uncomfortable.
We hear about a rich man who was dressed in purple fine linen clothe and eating sumptuously each day.   It’s ok to eat a really good meal for holidays and celebrations, but he was doing every day. He was living a life of excess with no concern for others, especially Lazarus.       
Meanwhile, we hear of Lazarus lying at the rich man’s door, covered in sores, who longed for the scraps that fell from rich man’s table. In order to get in and out of the house, the rich man, would probably need to step over Lazarus. You would think he’d notice him with the dogs licking his sores, but we don’t hear a word of this.  When I read this I thought that dogs licking sores was a bad thing, but I was told that dogs will lick wounds to help with healing.    It would seem that animals show more care for Lazarus than the rich man did.  He is absorbed in his life of luxury and has no concern for the poor.    
One thing interesting to note, we know the name of the poor suffering man as Lazarus, but does anyone recall the name of the rich man?   It’s never mentioned.  He remains nameless.  In the world today, if your wealthy or famous it seems like everyone knows their name.   But for the poor, it’s not the case.    They seem to remain nameless, as they’re not seen important to people of this world.  In referring to Lazarus by name, Jesus is showing us God’s favor for the poor.     
Both the rich man and Lazarus eventually die.  The tables seam to turn in the afterlife for the rich man.   He is in torment, while Lazarus is seen at the side of Abraham in comfort.  This is a sign of Lazarus being in heaven, with the rich man suffering in hell. 
While the rich man is now in eternal suffering, he still doesn’t seem to get it. He calls to Abraham to send Lazarus to relieve his thirst.   The rich man never did a thing for Lazarus in his earthly life, but he expects to be served by him in the afterlife.  Abraham responds he’ll have to endure torment, while Lazarus is comforted.   The divide between the place of torment and comfort is too wide to cross for the rich man to escape the suffering. The rich man has sealed his fate. 
The rich man seems to be a bit remorseful and appeals for Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his family. Abraham responds that they’ve already had plenty of warning from Moses & the prophets, and the even someone rising from the dead wouldn’t make a difference to them.   This is prelude of Jesus’ own death, and resurrection, and the refusal by many people to change their ways and believe in him.
This story probably made the Pharisees feel a bit uncomfortable and was a warning for them to change their ways.  They appeared to be practicing their faith, worshipping in the temple.  But their focus take care of themselves while ignoring the poor had some dire consequences.   They could end up like the rich man did. 
This story can make us a little uncomfortable as well.  Many of us have been blessed with the things that we need to live a comfortable life.   We don’t lack food, shelter, and healthcare like Lazarus did.  We’re here today worshiping together to show our love for God and Jesus calls us also to remember to love for our neighbor.  
Fortunately, we are blessed to have many opportunities to do so.  With our Outreach ministries of the food pantry, Gabriel project, back to school backpack drive, Thanksgiving food distribution and many others, we have numerous opportunities do show love for neighbor as well.  I’m sure there are many other ways that each of us shows our love of neighbor as well.  
If this has been missing in your faith life, I’d like to share something I talked about at Johnson County Jail on Friday.  I shared with the inmates that helping materially poor may be difficult in their situation, but they could help those who are starving for love.   There’s some people who have never really been shown much love, kindness, or respect in their lives. I suggested they could show the love of neighbor by offering a smile, a kind word, or friendship to one of the other inmates who seemed to need it.    That’s a good place for us to start as well where we spend our time, at work, school, shopping, or recreating.
As we continue with this Mass and receive the Eucharist, thank God for the gifts we’ve be been blessed with, and to be inspired to share some of these with our neighbors.  Pray for the grace of the Holy Spirit on how best to do this.  By doing so we’ll have the hope of being in the comfort of Abraham along with Lazarus and our Lord Jesus.  

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Lighting the fire of truth and family divisions, Homily, 20th Sunday, Cycle 3, 8/18/19

Wow! The readings we have today are very difficult. In the first reading we hear the people of Israel under King Zedekiah don’t like what they hear from the prophet Jeremiah.  They’re supposed to be God fearing people, but when they don’t like what the prophet tells them, they act very ungodly.  So they take Jeremiah to a cistern and lower him in to die a slow death. Speaking the word of God can lead to trouble.   In the Gospel, Jesus tells us he did not come to establish peace, but rather division.  I thought Jesus was supposed to be the prince of peace?  This division is going to happen among those who are the closest: families.  A house will be divided, three against two, father against son, mother against daughter, and mother-in-law against daughter-in-law.  This does not sound very encouraging at all.
Jesus said he came to light a fire on earth.  That fire was to preach the truth to the people.  This truth would go against the grain of the culture.  Some of the people heard and accepted this truth and became his disciples. They would become his family, his brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers.  This was a source of division Jesus referred to. 
During Jesus’ time, family was of utmost importance.  You were obligated to protect your family to preserve its honor.  Family was your first obligation above anything else. It was shameful to do anything to disrupt the family.   It was also forbidden to change the status you had in society.  If you were from a poor family, you remained among the poor.   You were not permitted to improve upon your situation.   If you were wealthy, you could not associate with the poor. This would dishonor your family.
Those who became Jesus’ disciples prioritized him over their own family obligations or their status in society.   This would lead to the divisions that Jesus spoke about in today’s Gospel.   Following Jesus would go against the cultural norms of the times and result in hardships for his disciples. 
Do any of you have divisions in your own families due to being a disciple of Jesus?  I certainly do.   I’m sure many of you do as well.   Much like the times of Jesus, we have divisions in our own families. One of the cultural norms of today is to refrain from discussions on religion and politics at family gatherings in order to keep peace.   This may keep peace for the family gathering, but does it bring true and lasting peace for those who don’t really know Jesus?
I was recently at the annual St. Lawrence Day dinner for all the deacons and their wives.  Archbishop Thompson spoke and commented on the topic of tolerance.  Tolerance is an ideal that’s embraced by our American culture today of acceptance of any belief, lifestyle, or behavior as long as it doesn’t “hurt” someone else.   He mentioned some disappointment he experienced at a recent Catholic education event he attended.  The speaker’s topic of the event focused on the “virtue” of tolerance. He said unfortunately tolerance is not a Catholic virtue, but is a virtue of our culture.  
The problem with tolerance is that truth is not spoken at the expense of not offending the other person.  If you speak the truth its considered not being kind.  If the truth is not spoken, you may be kind, but you’re not showing love for the other person.   Sometimes the truth is what people really need to hear.  Jesus didn’t come to be kind, he came to show us love, the love of God.
Jesus said in today’s Gospel that “I came to set the world on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!  The fire he was speaking is the truth of the Gospel he came to proclaim.   By being Jesus’ disciples and following his teachings, The letter to the Hebrews tells us, we have the hope of the joy that lay before him.   This hope is eternal life with Jesus in heaven.  Jesus came to save us through his death on the cross, and gave us his Church so we can become his disciples through the sacraments and following the Church’s teaching.  Many of the Church’s teachings are difficult to accept.  They are counter-cultural.   As Jesus disciples, we are called to follow His teachings and share them with others by speaking the truth.  If we share these truths in a loving way, even with those who disagree with us, we are showing them love.  Jesus tells us that if we do this there will be divisions, even in our own families.
How can we share the truths with others in a loving way? The letter to the Hebrews offers some good advice: persevere in running the race that lies before uswhile keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus.   If we look at the race as a marathon and approach it with patience and keeping a steady pace over the long haul, we can accomplish the task.   We can keep a steady pace through daily prayer and frequent reception of the sacraments. By being patient with those we our divided with, we may eventually be able to share the truths of our Christian faith with love at the right time, so they can have the same hope as we do, of eternal life with our Lord and Savior. 

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Persistence in Prayer: Homily for week 17, cycle C, July 27, 2019

For most people in our American culture, prayer may come to mind only when we’re in need of something.  When people do pray, it may only be as a last resort. With the advancements in science, technology, and medicine we’ve become accustomed to relying on our own human efforts to take care of all our needs. There’s very little credit given to God in all the modern wonders we have today. When prayer is called upon, it may be disappointing when the request of the prayer doesn’t seem to be answered by God.  So what’s the use in praying anyway?
Prayer is the common theme of today’s readings.  There are three main points on prayer that are recurrent in the readings.   First, that prayer is a relationship with God, second is the necessity to be persistent in prayer, and third to ask for help when you need it.
Prayer is much more than just making a wish when you need something and having it granted.  God isn’t a genie in the bottle. God is the loving creator of the universe, whom we rely on for everything.  He made us in his image and wants each of us to thrive.  He gave us the freedom to know, love, and serve him.  In order to know how we can know, love, and serve God, a good relationship is needed.   Good communication on a frequent basis, especially listening, is necessary for a relationship to thrive.  This relationship requires work on our part.  God is just waiting for us to be in relation with him.  Prayer opens us up and those we pray for to God’s graces. 
In the first reading Abraham provides a good example of how to be in relationship with God.  He engages in a dialogue with God on behalf of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, requesting God’s mercy.   The people were in great sin, and Abraham was appealing on behalf of the faithful few, that God would be merciful.  Abraham appeals for God’s mercy six times.  Each time god responds Abraham presses for him to be more merciful. I bet there are a few parents out there, who may have had a similar conversation with their own children negotiating for more lenient punishment for their misgivings.
In the Gospel, Jesus, return’s from praying himself and his disciples ask him how to pray.  Jesus then teaches them a most familiar prayer, the Our Father.  We pray this ourselves so much, that we may not think about what the words really mean. Jesus first instructs to call God “Father”, setting the tone of a close family relationship.  In Middle Eastern culture of the times, family was of primary importance. God is not far and distant.  Some of us may not have had a good relationship with our own father.  If so, think about someone who is a close family member or friend who really cares for you. That’s what Jesus is trying to get across.
Jesus instructs them to start off giving praise and reverence, in praying “hallowed be thy name”.  This is not because God needs it, but to acknowledge our own reliance and gratitude to God.  By praying, “thy kingdom come”, we welcome God’s action and presence in our world.  After acknowledge the Father, we turn to our own needs and God’s mercy on us. In asking “give us each our daily bread”, he’s encouraging us to recognize our dependence on God for everything, not only when we think it’s needed.  In praying, “forgive us our sins” and “do no subject us to the final test”, we are reminded of our continual need for God’s mercy and protection from our own inclination to sin.  We’re also called to be merciful to other’s as God has been to us, by “forgiving everyone in debt to us”.
Persistence in prayer is another focus of the readings.  Abraham asks for God’s mercy on Sodom and Gomorrah six times.   Jesus teaches us to pray for our daily bread.  He also gives the example of the friend who comes in the night asking for bread.   Prayer is something we need to persist in, and not do only when a need arises. Consistent continual prayer keeps the communication with God open to help with our needs. I read Fr. John Hallowell’s twitter post this morning illustrating persistence in prayer.  He shared his daily prayer routine includes three prayers, the Angelus, to St. Michael, to St. Peregrine for those with cancer.  He noted only one person has died from cancer on his prayer list and there had some amazing miracles had happened.
Finally, we need to ask God for our help in prayer. If we don’t ask God for help, how is he going to do so?  Of course God knows all, but he’s waiting for us to ask.  We’re told to ask, seek, and knock.  In our culture we are so reliant on ourselves and the advancements in science and technology. We have become too reliant on ourselves and leave God out of the picture.    In our Catholic tradition a both/and approach may be a more appropriate response.  Sometimes I’m amazed when I hear of people having a major surgery and illness and not requesting to receive God’s graces through anointing of the sick. What could it hurt to ask for God’s help directly or through the intercession of the Saints for our needs as soon as an issue arises.
Last, I’d like to address when it seems that God is not answering our prayers.  Jesus gives us the example of what father among you would give his son a scorpion when he asks for an egg. God always answers our prayers, but it may not be how we expected.   Many times an answer to a prayer may be through other people we encounter, our family, friends, co-workers.  We need to rely on the Holy Spirit to help us understand how God answers our prayer. The answer to some prayers, may be a change in us.   Yesterday, I was preaching at the Johnson County jail when prayers seem to be unanswered and seeking to understand.  One of the inmates spoke up about his own prayer to keep from going to jail, but he later realized that being in jail kept him away from the drugs and the people he was associating with.  He admitted that God did answer his prayers, but not in the way he was originally asking.
So be persistent in your prayers daily to be in good relationship with God; asking, seeking, and knocking on his door for his love and support. Pray the Our Father to praise him and offer him gratitude for all the gifts he’s given you.   Seek to receive the daily bread, especially in the Eucharist, to provide the grace to help with the trials of life.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Eucharist: It is HIS body and HIS blood - Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Today is the Solemnity the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.   A core belief of our Catholic faith is the Real Presence of Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist.  Sometimes we may take Christ’s presence in the Eucharist for granted as it is so readily available to us. I heard a story from Matthew Kelly a few years ago really that may help all of us to more deeply appreciate this great gift the Lord has given us. 
There was a priest who formerly was a lay missionary in China over four decades ago. He had heard there were many priests and bishops in China who are imprisoned for not giving control of their churches to the communist government. His time as a missionary brought back a lot of good memories, and he was saddened to hear about the conditions some people in China had to live under. He wondered if the faith still existed under such oppressive conditions limiting the practice of the faith.  He decided to take go on a visit so see if the faith still existed in the village. He wore plain clothes o to help prevent any trouble among the people he visited.  No one knew he was a priest, as he had no contact with the people after his time as a lay missionary.  
The people he visited were very warm and friendly, but there were no signs of faith among the people.  Then, on the second night of his stay he was awakened by a commotion in the house.   He got up to find out what was going on and was told, “We are going to the wall”.  He asked an old woman there what “the wall” was.   She smiled as said, “come and see for yourself”. The priest dressed quickly and left with about a dozen people.  As they walked to a remote wooded area deep in the woods of surrounding hills, several others joined them along the way.  
By the time they arrived there were about 120 men, woman, and children.   The priest noticed there were men up in trees around the perimeter that appeared to be on the lookout.   In the clearing there were remains of an old decaying building.  The old women who invited him to come smiled and seemed excited, as were the other people, but the priest was very was scared.  As they approached the wall everyone knelt down. An old man approached the wall, pulled out a brick, and reached in into the opening to remove a metal vessel with a glass window, and inside it was the Eucharist.  All of the people knelt silently for an hour in prayer in great wonder at the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. An hour later the old man returned the Eucharist and all went back quietly to their homes.           
On the way back the priest asked why were there people in the trees. He was told they were on the lookout for government authorities who would imprison anyone caught practicing the Catholic faith.  The priest was overjoyed to see how strong a faith still existed in these people who were under so much oppression for their faith.  What would cause these 120 people to leave their homes in the middle of the night risk their lives?  Their belief in Jesus as their Lord and Savior and His Real Presence in the Eucharist. 
This Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ is a time to reflect on this gift that God has given us and to renew our sense reverence and wonder in Jesus’ sacrifice and presence in the Eucharist. When we come to Mass we participate in Christ’s sacrifice.   The sacrificial nature of the Eucharist is something very important that is often overlooked. St. Paul tells us that each time we receive the Eucharist we “proclaim the death of the Lord”. This is symbolized when the priest and deacon elevates the host and chalice of wine separately as an offering of Christ’s body and blood to the Father at the prayers of Eucharistic prayer.  In this part of the Mass we are called to solemnly remember Christ’s sacrifice for us.  
We also experience Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharistic under the appearance
of bread and wine offered at the Last Supper.  In St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians we hear Christ’s words, “This is my body” and “this cup is the new covenant in my blood”. Jesus meant what he said:  It is His body and His blood.  When the priest speaks the words of consecration, the bread and wine are changed into Christ’s body and blood, a process referred to as transubstantiation.  This is a mystery of faith that that all Catholics are to accept and believe.  Later on in the Liturgy of the Eucharist the priest breaks off a small piece of the host and drops it in the wine.  This represents the restoration of the Body and Blood in the Resurrected Christ. We are able to participate in the Pascal Mystery of Christ, his crucifixion, death, and resurrection, each time we come to Mass.
We receive the entirety of Christ’s body, blood, soul, and divinity when receive either the Precious Body or Precious Blood. He becomes part of us, and we become part of him.  The Eucharist is spiritual nourishment to help us carry out the Lord’s command to love God & our neighbor.  Christ also commands us to, “do this in memory of me”, which is a call to continually celebrate the Eucharist, keeping His presence always among us. That’s why we come together each Sunday to celebrate the Eucharist as a community  
In returning to the opening story, the priest revealed who he was the following day.   The villagers were overjoyed.  They told him there had not been a Mass in their village in over 10 years.   They shared with him that during this time period in absence of the Mass being celebrated, they would go to the wall each week so they could spend an hour with Jesus.   Later that day the priest celebrated a Mass for them.  The entire community was able to receive the Eucharist for the first time in 10 years and some for their first time ever.  In his later years the priest said this experience was the highlight of his priesthood.
            Being with the Lord each Sunday and receiving him in the Eucharist to spiritually nourish us is blessing we need not take for granted.  We are especially blessed, as we can be in presence of the Lord each day by attending Mass, or stopping by the chapel at almost any time. If we’re having a rough day we’re blessed to be able to spend some time being with Jesus in the chapel sharing our troubles.  This can really bring us a sense of peace.  We can also just spend some time being with the Lord in appreciation for the gift he has given us.  I pray that we can all experience the wonder of being in Christ’s presence at each celebration of the Eucharist, just like the people did in the remote Chinese village in the story we heard today. 


Sunday, May 19, 2019

Love one another, 5th Sunday of Easter, Cycle C

As school ends and summer approaches many of us have travel on our minds. Some of us will be traveling close to home, going to a state park in Brown County or a lake in Bloomington Maybe some of you are will be seeking adventure or excitement, hiking in the Rocky Mountains or riding thrill rides at King’s Island in Cincinnati. A relaxing time on the beach in Florida, doing nothing, may be just what some of you are planning. Where ever you travel take you, you’re bound to experience a few difficulties, delays, missed connections, or bad weather. If so, try to endure them patiently with love, as they’re probably nothing compared to the challenges that Paul and Barnabas endured to spread the Gospel.
During the Easter season we hear from the Book of Acts and the spread of the Gospel to the Gentiles.   Today Paul and Barnabas are returning from their success in making new disciples in Derbe.   Through the collaboration of their unique God given gifts, they were able to bring faith to many of the Gentiles.  They returned to cities they previously visited, to lift their spirits of new disciples with the good news to help them persevere in their faith.  They also spoke of hardships they endured in order to enter the kingdom of God. Paul and Barnabas endured risks of rejection, imprisonment, beatings, and even death to spread the Gospel. These new disciples were at risk as well.  To support the new disciples, Paul and Barnabas appointed elders, priests and deacons, in Churches to teach and administer the sacraments and the grace to help endure their trials.  Continuing on, Paul and Barnabas went out too many more cities to spread the Gospel to the Gentiles.
            The second reading from Revelations offers a vision that Paul and Barnabas could share with Gentiles.   A vision is presented of the old heaven and earth passing away and new heaven and earth appearing without a sea.   The sea was a symbol for chaos and death, and its absence represents peace. A New Jerusalem comes down from heaven, which represents Church.  The old Jerusalem was the center of worship for Jews.  The new Jerusalem would be for all the People of God.   Jesus resurrection conquered death in the old Jerusalem, so he could bring life to all people.   The author refers to the New Jerusalem, “prepared as for a bride for her husband”, which is the Church and Christ.  This image of a marriage represents a permanent relationship of God with his people forever.  What did the New Jerusalem have to offer?  No more death or morning, wailing or pain with the hope of eternal life in the kingdom of God.    The old world of death and destruction had passed away.   In the dangerous first century world of Roman domination, this offered much hope for the Gentiles.  It provides hope for us now as well!
             So how does this new Jerusalem come about?     Through love!  Not love as the world defines it, but as the way Jesus gave it to us.   Jesus showed his love for us and the Father by making the supreme act of love: obediently following the Father’s will in giving his life.  This opened up the gate of heaven for all of us. 
Jesus gives us the new commandment: To love one another.    People will know we are his disciples if we love one another.    The love that Jesus gave us is the sacrificial love offered for the good of others.   How do we show our love?   
In John 15:9-10, Jesus tells us, “Abide in my love.  If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love.”   By keeping the Commandments, living the Beatitudes, and following the teachings of the Church we can remain in the love of Jesus, and love one another.   If we follow the God’s Commandments and the Church’s teachings, it can be very hard.  
Many of them are contrary to the culture we live in.   In following them we will endure hardships and be persecuted.    But the Church, the New Jerusalem, was given to us by Christ, so that we death reigns no more and we can have life.   If we can let go of our ego, and are open to the Holy Spirit, we can seek to understand these teachings and the life they give us, eternal life!
When we show charity to our neighbor, we are loving them.  Loving others helps us bear fruit and leads to the joy of eternal life.   The fruit of charity is joy, peace, and mercy.  Don’t we all want more of this in our lives?  Joy is a good word to remember to how be loving.  The letters in joy can remind us of the priority for our love, J for Jesus, O for others, and Y for yourself.    The CCC states on how we can be loving: charity demands us to seek doing good for the other and fraternal correction, it fosters reciprocity and remains disinterested, it is friendship and communion.  In loving others, we will encounter people who live contrary God’s commandments and the Church’s teaching. They may view the Church and its members as a threat.  But if we encounter them with dignity and respect, and accompany them in a loving way, as friends, they can come to know Jesus through us and possibly enter his Church.
So as your travel takes you to places close by or far away this summer, please remember to love one another as Jesus calls us to.   If you encounter hardships in travel, take them in stride, be patient, kind, and loving.          By doing so, you’ll be known as Jesus’ disciple and may even make new disciples for Christ just like Barnabas and Paul did.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Service, Obedience, Mercy - Passion Sunday, Year C

As we enter into Holy Week, Luke’s account of the Passion provides us with the perfect model of Christian discipleship:  being a humble servant, obedience to God’s will, and extending mercy and forgiveness.   There’s quite a bit to absorb in the Passion story. It would be good idea to take some time to read and reflect on it throughout Holy Week.    As I reflected on the Passion, Jesus’ acts of mercy really stood out to me.   He was ministering to others, while being persecuted and crucified.
There are three acts of mercy that I’d like to point out.  First, Jesus healed the ear of the servant that was cut off by Peter’s sword.   He also forgave his executioners stating, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”.   Jesus was merciful to those who were persecuting him. 
As Jesus hung on the cross, the repentant criminal, also known as St. Dismas, asked
Jesus, “to remember him when he comes into his kingdom”. Jesus responds, “Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise”.    St. Dismas does something very important: he was repentant and asks Jesus for mercy.   While Jesus was dying, he offers his mercy to a man who admittedly was justly condemned. 
This is a beautiful example of Jesus’ obedience to the Father’s will, offering his life for us, so we may have eternal life.    Jesus didn’t come to condemn and judge. He came to serve, offering his own life as a sacrifice, so we could receive mercy and be welcomed into Paradise. St. Dismas offers a good example for us to follow: to humbly approach Jesus in repentance, and ask for his mercy.
As we enter into Holy Week let’s be instruments of God’s mercy.   There are many people who stay away from the Church because they feel like they’re not worthy of God’s mercy.  So if you know someone who’s been away from the Church, invite them back to receive God’s mercy through the sacrament of reconciliation. Also invite them to attend Holy week services.   Holy Thursday’s foot washing is a beautiful witness of Jesus humble service extending his love and mercy.  Pray for those who’ve felt they’re not worthy of God’s mercy. Last, ask yourself if there is someone that you could be merciful to as well.    Let’s ask for the grace to be merciful to others as we continue on to receive the Eucharist.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Homily, 2nd Sunday of Lent, Cycle C - Be quiet and listen to Him

Prayer is one of the disciplines we practice during Lent to help bring about a transformation to make us more Christ like. Being quiet of the is one thoughts that Fr. Steve gave us for this season to focus on God in prayer. 
       This week our Scripture readings gives us some examples of mystical encounters with God.    It’s something that we don’t really think about in our busy and noisy world.   We have too many distractions to realize the encounters we may have where heaven meets earth.   In addition to the noise, our Western culture is skeptical that these can really happen at all. But if we spend some quiet time in prayer, we can become aware of God entering our world and the power of transforming it into the Kingdom of Heaven.
            Does God enter our world, like we hear about in today’s Scriptures? A few years ago I had a unique experience with a homeless person that may have been one of these.   I was walking back from my lunch downtown and running late for a meeting.   I usually encountered homeless people on the way and would keep same change in my pocket to help them out.  I would try engage in conversation when offering them money in order to show them some dignity.   But on this one particular day I didn’t have time.  I left late for lunch and had to hurry back for a meeting. I was across the street from my office just in time for the meeting, when a man riding a bike came straight over to me and said, “I’m hungry, and haven’t eaten for 3 days, can you spare a few dollars to help me out?”  My thought was no way, I’m late for a meeting and have no change today, but something nagged at me to help.   There was a convenience store on the corner, so I offered to buy him some lunch.  He didn’t want much, just a hot dog and soft drink and, was very grateful.  In leaving I offered short quick prayer for things to get better, as I really had to go.  He responded looking me straight in the eyes, offering a prayer for my wife, two daughters, and son, along with a blessing. This really caught me off guard as I never mentioned anything about my family to him.  In thinking about it later in the day I wondered, was this homeless man a mystical encounter with Christ?
            In the Scripture today, we have two experiences of God directly entering our world.   In the first reading God establishes a covenant with Abram due to his faith.  God tells him his descendants would be more numerous than the stars and also gave him land to live in.  This covenant is made by God in the darkness on the mountain through the mysterious action of the smoking fire pot and flaming torch passing through Abram’s offering.  God chose to enter into world through the faith of Abram.
            In the Gospel, Peter, James, and John went up with Jesus to the mountain to pray.   Going up on the mountain is a sign of being close to God. Here Jesus’ face changes
appearance and his clothing became dazzlingly white.   He speaks with Moses and Elijah about his passion, death, and resurrection in Jerusalem.     Moses and Elijah represent the Law and the Prophets that foretold of the new covenant Jesus would establish: everlasting life through faith in him as the Son of God. Up to this encounter, Peter and the disciples had witnessed Jesus’ healings and miracles, but they were not exactly sure who he was. On the mountain, Jesus appears in his glorified body. The cloud that appears is the presence of the Holy Spirit. The voice of the Father proclaims who Jesus is, “This is my chosen Son; listen to him.”
The Transfiguration, the revelation of Jesus in his glorified body, is accounted for in the Gospels of Luke, Matthew, and Mark.   God chooses to enter the world at various times.  This Trinitarian encounter for the disciples was for them to believe who Jesus is, the Son of God.  It’s also provided for us to believe today as well. God the Father reveals who Jesus is, and also gives us direction of what to do: Listen to him.   
How can we listen to Jesus?  Through the quiet of prayer.   Spending time with Scripture is an excellent way of encountering Jesus in prayer in this busy world.  It’s one of the primary ways God speaks to us.  Scripture tells us the story of the God’s covenants he’s established with his people throughout time, with the final everlasting covenant established in Jesus’ passion, death, and resurrection.  The glorified body of Jesus revealed in the Transfiguration is what we hope for in our own bodies if we believe in him.    St. Paul tells us that “he will change our lowly body to conform with his body.”   We may have many struggles with our earthly bodies that fail due to age and disease, but we have the hope of being restored to a glorified body in heaven through our faith in Jesus.
We can encounter Jesus by quietly listening to him praying with Scripture. This us opens us up to the presence of God in our world.  When we listen to Jesus we can be transformed to make the Kingdom of heaven present here.   It also opens us up to encounters with the presence of him through the body of Christ, maybe even like I the one I had a few year ago.   May this Lent be a good time for you to be with the Lord by listening quietly to Jesus in prayer.